Let's start with the obvious...

Why is an Automation Company even offering networking services? Shouldn't we hire an IT Company for that?

Well, without a proper network backbone in your home or office, not much will work. One of the BIGGEST differences between many Integrators is their knowledge in networking and infrastructure. 

Yes, you can have an IT company setup a network for basic needs. However, only in our industry of Smart Homes, do we know the demands and requirements that are needed to support your entire project. Most IT companies do not deal with distributed Audio and Video, and will not have much to offer you. Our key role is to first establish if your project has the backbone required for the installation of your gear.

We have an in depth thorough understanding of what wiring type to use, how to terminate, run and configure your network and equipment based on the automation products being installed. Today we instinctively use our smart phones and tablets to play music, stream video, control our homes and more. Your network MUST meet the demands of your activities and it is imperative that the company installing your automation equipment is knowledgeable in networking and is the one providing the backbone for you.

At Signature Automation, we have nearly 20 years hands on experience in networking and we stand behind our work. Every project craftsmanship warranty applies to the networking portions as well. We will provide you with a robust, reliable network and you will never have a finger pointing contest when you need help.

Our work is reliable, clean, neat and professional...